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KOOLX ECO360,KOOLX-innovative Technology

KOOLX-ECO360 Passive Fan-less Indoor Cooling Technology, Maximize Occupant Comfort and Energy Saving in old buildings up to 30% kwh

Benny Malayaatil explains how cost-effectively can KOOLX ECO360 passive HVAC technologies make old buildings more sustainable energy-efficient, reducing carbon footprint and improving indoor air quality. Stepping ahead of the curve in cooling, helping building owners and operators discover all hidden opportunities from their existing HVAC equipment, investing less with no modification and maximizing their bottom line profit.

Is your building 10+ years old? Prepare your chillers for summer peak temperature. In the following article you will learn about the best equipment, KOOLX-ECO360 is a company specialized in passive cooling and indoor air purification solutions for commercial and industrial buildings.

Benny Malayaatil, MENA Regional Director explains to how he helps building owners, managers, investors and tenants across all sectors reduce HVAC energy costs, carbon impact, increase profitability and value.

1. Thank you for the interview. How KOOLX-ECO360 works?
Malayaatil: Is a company specialized in passive cooling and indoor air purification solutions for commercial and industrial buildings. Our innovative and sustainable approach focuses on reducing the carbon footprint, preserving the environment and the well-being of building occupants. Our superior product line offers high energy efficiency and maximum comfort, while reducing maintenance costs.

Malayaatil added,

KOOLX-ECO360 is redefining the indoor comfort experience with fan-less and powerless passive cooling that reduce chiller load in buildings.”

Benny Malayaatil, MENA Regional Director
KOOLX ECO360 series

2. What do you offer users with the KOOLX cooling system?
Malayaatil: Offers maximum indoor comfort with minimum energy consumption. People often think of air-conditioning units as the first choice for cooling their buildings. However, air-cons are energy-hungry, cause noise pollution, and limit air circulation. They also cause negative impacts on indoor air quality by spreading mould and bacteria. In this light, KOOLX has introduced fan-less passive cooling systems that keep the indoors cool with clean air while reducing energy consumption. The innovative fan-less passive cooling solution is poised to change the future of the indoor comfort experience. 

3. How do they take care of health and well-being?
Malayaatil: For us it is important for this reason KOOLX passive cooling systems are designed to improve the health and well-being of the user by bringing nature indoors. They filter out dust and other particles while cooling the air to give the occupants a natural feel inside. By eliminating odour from the room space, the passive cooling system gives your cloakroom, living room, guest room, kitchen, children’s room, leisure, or office space cool and fresh. In turn, this brings happiness, relaxation, and a sense of contentment to occupants while indoors. It can also help in reducing levels of distress, and improving overall mental health and quality of life. 


Benny continued, “Compared to other cooling solutions in the market, KOOLX promises to bring the feeling of nature into your indoor space. Their cooling solution utilizes natural ventilation and heat-transfer principles to regulate temperature instead of the refrigeration cycle used in air conditioners. The approach uses less electricity, saving on the bills and helping conserve the environment. Since no refrigeration process is involved, the KOOLX cooling solution improves indoor air quality and increases thermal comfort for occupants, making the building a more desirable place to live and work.” 

4. What can you tell us about the KOOLX-ECO360 technology?
Malayaatil: Of course KOOLX-ECO360 maintains innovative technology. Climate change is affecting every part of the world, prompting industry leaders to identify more sustainable solutions. Figures indicate that the world is not 1.2 C warmer than it was in the 10th century. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has risen by 50% during this period, leading to warmer conditions. In response to these changes, governments and businesses have been championing friendly and sustainable solutions. The KOOLX-ECO360 is an innovative technology that provides a sustainable and cost-effective cooling system for our buildings. 

“That is why KOOLX-ECO360 contributes to environmental conservation by reducing the annual load of chilling plants and the energy demand of the building. The passive cooling system is a combination of innovative cooling technology and trend-setting design concepts, ensuring both functionality and aesthetics. Each product is carefully crafted to the highest standards and a remarkable sensitivity to the finest details. Focusing on quality, KOOLX stands out as a premium supplier of fan-less cooling terminal units. The new line of passive HVAC filters and terminal units provide superior air filtration and temperature control for commercial and industrial HVAC systems,” Benny emphasized.

5. We know that they have such advanced equipment that complements ecology, what can you tell us about it?
Malayaatil: This is the KOOLX-ECO360 passive terminal unit which is a combination of fluid engineering and highly efficient and lightweight cooling thermodynamics based on ecology. Directly absorbs heat from indoor objects, including the human body and walls, to maintain a constant temperature. The unit is carefully customized to fit the building’s interior architectural design and improves energy savings by cooling the interior horizontally to maintain a uniform spatial temperature.

Benny continued, “Is unique in that it uses a chilled water system that does not need any power or a fan to cool the indoor space. This advanced technology is highly effective in reducing building chiller cooling load, saving up to 30% of your energy consumption. The terminal unit is highly effective in cooling large spaces by absorbing heat from the human body, walls, and other indoor objects. You can have it installed as a standalone unit or in multiple HVAC. Furthermore, the KOOLX-ECO360 passive terminal unit is compatible with both chilled water systems and refrigerant gas.”

Malayaatil emphasized,

“Installing the KOOLX-ECO360 passive terminal unit in your building will improve the quality of indoor air. The powerless, ductless, filter-less, noiseless, fan-less passive endothermic cooling system ensures that the air is both clean and cool for the occupants. You get a comfortable cooling space that silently keeps your room space temperate even throughout the day.”

Benny Malayaatil, MENA Regional Director

6. Is it a device that can be used by the whole family?
Malayaatil: Of course. In terms of uses, the KOOLX-ECO360 passive terminal unit is a great addition to any building. With low temperatures between 60°C and 170°C, the unit is safe to touch and use by the elderly and children. Since the unit is unpowered, it suppresses peak power load demand to reduce the cost of maintenance and duct cleaning.

7. What can you tell us about the operation of the HVAC filter?
Malayaatil: KOOLX-ECO360 Passive HVAC Filter helps to improve to remove air particles and boost air circulation. The filter can be can be used with an existing Fresh Air Handling Unit (FAHU) and Air Handling Unit (AHU) without further modifications to improve the quality of indoor air quality. The KOOLX-ECO360 Passive HVAC Filter is effective in removing dust particles, pollens introduced by indoor and outdoor plants, and allergens that cause pet hair fall and odour. The passive filter unit is also designed to help in reducing respiratory diseases and airborne infections by filtering out both small and large airborne particles.  

“Designed with advanced technology, the KOOLX-ECO360 Passive HVAC Filter electrostatically attracts and traps airborne particles. The energy-saving and air purification filter also eliminates bacteria and viruses, ensuring occupants are breathing as clean air as possible. With a high level of filtration efficiency, the KOOLX-ECO360 Passive HVAC Filter helps in reducing the cooling load on the heat recovery wheel and the cooling coil. This ensures that rooms and common area spaces of the building are free of odour and other air contaminants.” Malayaatil said. 

KOOLX-ECO360 Passive HVAC Filter

It is worth mentioning that, the passive HVAC filter contributes to cooling the air by transforming the energy between the supply air and the exhaust air. This process breaks down moisture clumps into individual molecules and changes the format of air molecules which improve thermal conductivity as the air passes through the filters. This process provides a greater contact area between the water in the air and the fins of the heat recovery wheel and cooling coil. As a result, the heat exchange ratio is improved and a more homogeneous distribution of the treated fresh product is achieved. The process also helps reach the set temperature faster and maintain it more uniformly.

8. What can you tell us about the design of KOOLX-ECO360‘s?
Malayaatil: If you are a building owner, you probably understand the importance of cost-effective solutions. However, choosing a cost-effective solution does not necessarily mean compromising on quality.  KOOLX-ECO360‘s unique design ensures that you get both aesthetics and functional cooling solutions. For instance, the terminal cooling unit maintains a comfortable indoor temperature without having to rely on an energy-intensive mechanical cooling system that is energy-intensive. 

Malayaatil continued, “With both the passive terminal cooling unit and passive HVAC filter, KOOLX matches the shapes, colours, and functions of the products to meet the specific needs of a building. The designers have ensured that the unit will fit perfectly into a building without altering the original design. If you are going to install a fan-less passive cooling terminal unit, it will be curved to fit into bay windows or go around columns. The width, length, chord, depth, or curve can be customized to fit the specific space requirements.” 

9. Anything else you would like to add?
Malayaatil: I want to emphasize that, achieving quality indoor air means eliminating all contaminants in addition to keeping the air fresh. As people look for more effective and efficient cooling systems, KOOLX offers advanced solutions to clean and cool indoor air. The KOOLX-ECO360 passive terminal unit and KOOLX-ECO360 passive HVAC filter are ideal solutions for construction in any industry. This innovative fan-less passive cooling solution helps keep the air fresh and clean while reducing energy consumption.

Thank you for the interview Benny Malayaatil and above all, for the importance that the company is generating towards society and the planet with innovative and sustainable products.

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